Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Deb's Birthday

Yesterday I did manage to get out of bed, dressed, out of the house... and today, big step: I came back to work. Still not feeling great but my strength is growing. Staying home sickish is a tricky thing. I hate to mope around. But resting and reflection are good...

And it is such a blessing to have a wise and encouraging friend in the house... My roommate Deb is seasoned in dealing with pain, loss, accepting one's limitations etc.; she has lived with serious arthritis most of her life. Well, I'm not just grateful for Deb for what she does for me but want to thank God for who she is - a woman who loves God, who is curious about the world and likes to learn, a consistent friend, fun to be with, faithful in prayer.

Today is a big day in our household - Deb's fiftieth birthday. Happy birthday, Deb! This pic is of the gigantic bouquet her mom and sister sent in honor of the day. It graces our kitchen table.


paulmerrill said...

Happy birthday (probably late, at this point) to Deb!!

And your descriptions of grief in your Writing from Home - and Desperately Homesick post made me look forward to Heather and me debriefing with you.

Hard for me to even know what to say. I grieve with you, at some levels.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, dear Deb. We love you dearly.

Shane, for the Bennetts

Dave Moody said...

happy 50! Like fine wine Deb, gets better with, uh, er, MATURITY--thats it.

your younger cheekier brother,
dm ;-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Deb....!!I have many fond memories of our brief but significant times together many years ago. May God bless you in your new year. Lv Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday deb. I never forget your birthday - though I often don't send greetings. For some reason when I was living at Marengo House stamps were 22 cents and your birthday is in May so I always remember 5/22 as your birthday. Funny what makes our memories click. Well, it's that and Liam is born on the 23rd.
Anyway, Happy (late) birthday!