Monday, June 08, 2009

I See the Appeal...

...Of the Kindle. Sure would be nice to have a wide variety of reading material at hand, something for every mood, without being weighed down in paper. My roommate Deb was recently impressed by the sight of a young mother reading on the plane, sleeping baby in one hand, Kindle in the other. Nice. And my mom has said she'd like to get one if she makes any more long trips. It would make her carry-on much more manageable.

For me, they still seem too pricy - especially if I have to pay for both hardware and content.

On the other hand, there is a lot of stuff (content) out there on the internet that is free - including whole books and magazines. You can't put those on a Kindle, can you? But what about some other device?

I do already have a laptop, of course. When I went to Central Asia for a year, right after 9/11, I loaded up my laptop with classics from Project Gutenberg. Earlier this year I read some of the same sorts of things on my laptop from The Literature Network, but that required a live internet connection.

In terms of reading on the plane, neither of those options is halfway as graceful as the Kindle option. Battery power is one issue; size, another.

But I think there must be other ways. I'm not looking for the latest and greatest tech - but maybe an older Palm-Pilot device? Then I could load it up with public domain books and articles. What do you think?


paulmerrill said...

An iPod Touch. $179 (+tax) via Apple Store Website - left column, bottom - Special Deals.

It will do Kindle books (and others via other applications), has good battery life, will do Facebook & internet apps when you're in the range of wifi, you can watch movies & tv shows & listen to music.

Megan Noel said...

audin said he would load a book reading application on my nokia, though he has not done it yet (i would do it myself but i am not that familiar with all the linux commands.) so i will see what i think of that. i think someday there will be cheaper alternatives. i too would like a kindle but it is more than i would spend on such an item right now.