Tuesday, April 03, 2007

From Spring Harvest

Things with kids are going fine, and the worship and teaching is good. Still and all it is a big event, maybe 5000 people here and most focused on their families or the friends they came with so I am not enjoying it as much as I might in a more intimate setting. Went off by myself and had a nice run/walk along the beach yesterday, though - love to be around the water!

We did get out to see the YWAM ship and talk to the captain but did not try to spend the night there after all. Instead, went to a nearby town with some of Tom's old friends who have kids the same age as his. I really enjoyed the St. Johns. The father grew up in Morocco and his aunt is a fairly well known author...

So, things did work out pretty well with the logistics but it was a hard thing to be making it up as we went, hard not to question Tom's judgement at every turn. I hate being that way, want to be gracious and flexible, not stressed and worried. So that is something to work on. I got so frustrated we actually talked about just breaking things off and/or me not going on to Central Asia. Am feeling better now and don't think that will be necessary. But we put it on the table. Please keep up in your prayers. Much thanks!


Courtney O. said...

hey marti, i'm praying for you. I remember the first weekend brent and I spent together when we were dating. He came down to the US and we nearly killed each other. We were already talking about marriage.. which put more stress on the situation... but all of a sudden having each other around was a LOT to adjust to. We figured it out but it was a hard adjustment. Although there are plenty of differences in our situations I am encouraged to pray for you as I remember the struggle.

TomWebb said...

You have so many great friends who love you. The Russians say "100 friends is worth more then a Million dollars"