The dog is no longer with us but the badly stained carpet is. Mark & Amy, who own our place, plan to come replace it this summer.
When the stains get to the point I cannot stand them I rent or borrow a steam cleaner and see if I can reduce them to more muted levels.
This weekend was one of those times.
While I was waiting for the carpet to dry I sat, resting, in my favorite chair, which was temporarily relocated to the kitchen and sat facing the fridge. It's a very comfortable chair.
This arrangement gave me with a chair-level view of the 45 pictures of friends that hang in that place of honor. There's not enough room for everyone there; some of my pictures are at the office.
Thinking of these folks, remembering good times, and praying for them, I thought, why don't I do this more often? Do you think Deb would mind if I left my chair there? (Significantly easier than moving the fridge into the living room!)
We have the inevitable frig people pix too.
I thought of a new idea that I saw online, sort of - scan those pix & get one of those digital picture frames. If we place the frame in a more visible place (with rotating pix), we'll see those friends more often!
Went to visit a fastidious friend who had decided to allow NOTHING on the fridge, but had the same kind of social circles you and I do - so, lots of annual pictures. She had put them all in one of those flip photo albums on a stand, kept it on the kitchen counter as I recall. Tidy, easy enough to move from one to the next. And lots cheaper and easier than a digital frame. I'm OK with the magnets-on-the-fridge approach, though.
brent used to have a nothing on a fridge rule -- but now he has a 7 year old stepdaughter! so, ha, the fridge overflows with art projects.
Hmm... What if your fridge is one of those new stainless steel ones that is not magnetic? tape? We use our appleTV for those pictures. Easy to change.
Marti, your writing is engaging. I could picture the whole scenario.
Sorry about the dog.
Another option is peg boards in the room where the comfy chair lives.
Thanks for your encouragement and help on Facebook. You are a good person.
Thanks for the encouraging words, Angie!
The cat who now fills the place of the departed dog, does so admirably. Though she will claw the furniture. Yet another reason - besides 'This money could help me pay for grad school....' - to avoid buying new furniture. Though one of our couches is quite disreputable. I am torn. I'd like a nicer living room. But support is down a bit. I should cultivate my taste for thriftiness.
Re: pictures. My cube at the office, mine alone to adorn, includes quite a few, including a large bulletin board of them.
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