Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Use Your Imagination...

Once I was making pancakes for some children I was babysitting. Halfway through they expressed their deep disappointment that I was not making "shapes."

"Sure I am!" I objected. "Look, it's the solar system! This one's the earth, this one's Venus, here's the moon," I said, pointing to my identical round pancakes. This, apparently, was not good enough. I thought it was hilarious.


Megan Noel said...

well. if saturn had rings they might have been more impressed!

Fiona L Cooper said...

That was very creative of you. I'd have just said, "never mind, they taste exactly the same." And wished that children nowadays didn't think the world revolved around them...

Marti said...

Syrup would have made good rings for Saturn... and we could use bacon to make a tail for Haley's Comet...